Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Come and gone..

Gyvenime taip jau sudėta, kad viskas, kas turi pradžią, turi ir pabaigą. Diena prasideda su saulėtekiu ir baigiasi nuostabiu saulėlydžiu, tuo tarpu naktis prasideda būtent tuomet, kai baigiasi diena ir baigiasi dienai prasidėjus. Mylėti išmokstam vos gimę, o baigiam tuomet, kai mūsų nebelieka. Nes nebelieka ir mūsų.. Vasara ateina kartu su karštais saulės spinduliais, ankstyvais rytais, apelsinų sultim ir braškėm žaviausiam dubenėlyje, o štai baigiasi ji visiškai netikėtai - rudais lapais, be braškių, be ankstyvų rytų, dažniau niūriai, nei gražiai. Bet viskas, kas turi pradžią, turi ir pabaigą..
Tuomet, kai vos dvidešimties minučių bėgyje išmečiau tris poras batų iš savo spintos, supratau - privalau nusipirkti gerus batus. Tokius, kuriuos įsimylėčiau tik pamačius ir būtų nesvarbu, kiek jie kainuoja. Aš tiesiog žinojau, kad tokių nėra ir kad man gaila mokėti daug už batus, kurių, nepriklausomai nuo to, pigūs jie ar brangūs, nešioti aš vis tiek nemoku :) Tuomet nusipirkau aukštakulnius iš Dune (nuotraukos praėjusio įrašo pabaigoje). Nuostabiai tikę, nuostabiai patikę, tik apie kainą noriu pamiršt. Vis dar liūdna, kad tiek sumokėjau :/ Bet ne apie tai pasaka. Vis stebėjausi savimi, kad kasdieniam vaikščiojimui tokiu vėsiu, niūriu oru, išsirinkau būtent aukštakulnius. Come on - juk čia Dublinas, čia turbūt normaliausia pirkti kedus, sportinius batelius (ne, man tai ne tas pats, kas kedai :} ) arba itin patogius žemakulnius/lygiapadžius. Bet ne, aš - ta, kuri ir šiaip itin retai nešioja aukštakulnius, nusipirkau būtent tokius.. Ir štai, vieną dieną išėjau pasivaikščioti su savo žmogumi.  Miestas, planai, ritmas, dideli atstumai... Ir būtent tuomet, kai mano žmogus nebeištvėrė mano zyzimo dėl skaudančių kojų, dėl skubėjimo, dėl didelių atstumų ir dėl to, kad "Kur buvo mano galva ir smegenys, kai rinkausi batus šiandienos žygiams???", į mano gyvenimą atėjo jie - nauji batai. Ir vėl pigūs, ir vėl tie, kuriuos po mėnesio ar po dviejų galėsiu šveisti lauk, bet tie, kurie praskaidrina man gyvenimą, vos tik į juos pažiūriu. Visiškai totaliai smagūs. Kaip tik rudeniui. Kaip tik tokiam niūriam, kai baigiasi vasara ir nebėra saulės, ant žemės milijardai rudeninių lapų ir norisi kažko, kas priverstų šypsotis. Jie tai sugeba :)

There's a rule in a life - what goes around, comes back around. The day begins with sunrise and ends with awesome sunset, meanwhile night comes exactly at that time when day ends and ends when a day has to start. We start learning how to love from the very first days of our lives and end that lesson just at the moment when we disappear. Just because there is nothing more of us...
The summer comes with hot sun sunbeams, early mornings, orange juice and lots of strawberries in the loveliest bowl. Meanwhile it ends totally unexpected - with brown leaves, without strawberries, without early mornings, mostly gloomy than beautifully. But everything that has a begin, has its own end...
After the moment, when in twenty minutes I threw out three pairs of shows from my wardrobe, I realised - I just definitely have to buy pair of really good shoes. Such a pair, which I would fall in love just noticed them at the shop and it doesn't matter how much would they cost. I just knew well that there are no type of shoes which I would fall in love desperately and I would pay any amount of money for them, it doesn't matter if they would cheap or really expensive - I just can't wear the shoes correct. So then I bought wedges from Dune (there are pics of them at the very end of my last post). Suits perfectly, totally in love with them but I just really want to forget about the price I paid for them. I'm still angry on myself that I let me to pay that much ;/ :D But the story isn't about those shoes. I was very amazed by myself that I've chosen wedges for this season and for everyday wearing. Come on - it's Dublin here and that means that for everyday wearing it would be normal and smart to buy sneakers or very comfortable flats. But no - I bought wedges which I even don't wear usually.. So one day me and my beloved decided to go for a walk. City center, plans, rhythm, large distances.. So exactly at that moment when my beloved couldn't stand my hums anymore about sore legs, rush, large distances and for that "Where were my head and my brains when I was choosing shoes for this trip???", they came into my life - new shoes. Again - really very cheap and those which I would be able to throw out after month or two. But those which brighten my life when I just look at them. Absolutely totally fun! And it suits autumn well :) Especially for this type of autumn - gloomy, without sun, with billions of brown leaves on the ground. When you need to have something that would make you smile. And they can do that :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

It was a time to be good.. it's time to be better :)

Penneys handbag, 3€

  Penneys skirt

H&M foundation and powder brush

L'oreal Volume million lashes mascara


H&M knitwears

 Penneys hair accessorie

I love... cosmetic series stuff from Superdrug

 Dune shoes from Debenhams

So now You can see - I'm not scared of autumn. At all :))

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Moters gyvenime yra keli itin svarbūs dalykai (tikrai nerašysiu visų, todėl ir pabrėžiu - keli): maža juoda suknelė, daug kavos ir.. jaukumas :)
There're a few very important things in women's life (I won't write all the main things so I've noticed - only a few): little black dress, lots of coffee and... cosiness :}

Dress NoName shop, €8.65

Headphones for winter, Dunnes Stores, €4

0.5 l mug, gift from boyfriend, TKMaxx, €3.99

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Don't be angry..

Ėjau, išėjau ir prapuoliau. Pastaruoju metu šiek tiek kitaip. Viskas. Ir gyvenimo ritmas pasikeitęs, ir blog'o stilius tuo pačiu. Atleiskite tie, kurie ateinate ir nerandate naujų įrašų, o jų taip laukiate. Atleiskite ir tie, kurie susitaikė su įrašų retumu, bet atėję randate ne tai, ko tikitės.. Taip nutiko - pasikeitė mano gyvenimo ritmas. Baigti mokslai, pakeista gyvenamoji vieta (ne tik butas, miestas, bet ir šalis). Mokslus pakeitė darbas. Atsirado mažas šeimyninis gyvenimas.. Visa tai įtakoja ir blog'o pasikeitimus - atrodo rašyti turiu ką, o rankos nekyla. Arba nežinau, ar tikrai sugebėsiu parašyti taip, kaip noriu.. :) Šiandien aš vėl čia. Už lango lyja, kambariai sukuisti, o juk man reikėtų kilt ir eit juos tvarkyti. Tačiau paskutinis gautas komentaras paskutiniame įraše privertė mane susimąstyti. Peržiūrėti senus įrašus. Kas buvo kitaip, kol buvau kitur, kitokia.. Ir pagalvojau - juk blogas turėjo leisti man parodyti save tokią, kokia esu. Totali šopoholikė, kuri neina iš proto dėl grand etikečių, nespjauna į žemomis kainomis paženklintas prekes ir leidžia Jums, mielieji, susipažinti su jos pasaulėliu iš tam tikrų pozicijų.. Taigi..
I was going, gone and out.. All these days everything is so different. Everything. Rhythm of my life is changing all the time now and style of my blogspot have been changed at the same time. I'm sorry those who are coming there, looking for a new posts and couldn't find anything although you're waiting for them. I'm also saying sorry for that guys who accept the fact about rare posts but when you come here and find something.. that something isn't what you are looking for. You know - everything depends on situation - I've changed the rhythm of my life. I've done my uni, I've changed my living place (not even other flat or city - I've changed even the country). Work has changed my studies. And small family life is now inside. So blogspot was also influenced by all these things - all the time I think that I have something to write but when I reach this place I don't know what and how to say everything.. But today I'm here at last. There's raining outside (like the most time here :D ) and I have to clean up home.. But the last received comment at the last published post made me think about what I'm doing here. I've checked all old posts, what's the difference between "Then" and "Now". And I realised - I came here to show all you, guys, who I'm inside. Totally shopoholic who's not crazy about all that well-know-brand-stuff, notice things with cheap prices and let all of you know about things she likes and gets.. So..

Ended up: Garnier Pureactive Blackhead clearing scrub

 I was using it for a long long time (I don't even know, maybe all that 12months already) and I liked it sooo much. Feeling after washing the face was awesome - clear, fresh, good smelling. Particles of scrub isn't very bug but also not very small - normal medium size. Scrub isn't very painful to skin of face (actually it depends on type of skin, I guess). Price for product is also good ( and 4.99pounds, Lithuania - don't know at the moment ;/ ).. So I really recommend it but, however, I won't repeat it at the moment. So instead of this product I will use Ziaja antibacterial face wash gel:

 I've received this one as a present from my parents when they were on holiday and now I decided to end up those products which I've already tried.. As I've tried this one for a few times I just can say - it's nice to wash face with this gel.. However it's not a scrub so I wish I will end this ASAP :D

 New purchases (from second hand):




 Kadangi pakankamai seniai pirkau visus šiuos gėrius, tai kainelių nebeprisimenu, bet jos tikrai iki 5€ už kiekvieną daiktą..

I bought all these things few time ago so I really don't remember all the prices but it's less than €5 each.. :)

T-shirt from Dunnes Stores (7€):

Few awesome smell things from pharmacy:



Ir derinukas ... /// And look up:

Sunglasses Accesorize (4.20pounds); shoes Penneys (2€); tights Dunnes Stores (3.50€); handbag Verus (85Lt); skirt second-hand (7lt); t-shirt Lindex (7.50lt); belt Penneys (1€); necklace gift from BF.

Taigi, pabaigai turiu klausimą tiems, kurie vis dar mane paskaito - ką norėtumėte matyti kitokio, tokio, kaip seniau, čia? :) Mane tikrai tai labai labai domina..
So for the end I have a question to all of you who're still reading my blogspot - what would You like all to see different? Something new, something all? I'm very interested into that to make things better.. :}}
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