Hi again :) I just wanted to inform you all about Gabys giveaway :))
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Gaby's giveaway!!!
Jogurtai, vitaminai, kava su pienu ir pinigai /// Yogurt, vitamins, coffee with milk and money
Po antibiotikų kurso pradėjau vartoti daugiau jogurtų. Su dribsniais ypatingai. Nors šiaip iš esmės aš mėgstu jogurtus, tik ne su slyvom, tačiau skanūs dribsniai gali jogurtą padaryti galutinai totaliai skaniu.
Vitaminus gėriau lygiai pirmas... pusantros dienos. Aš nemoku gert vaistų ar vitaminų, jei niekas man neprimena, kad juos reikia išgert. Siaubas kažkoks, na bet o ką daryt? Begalvė :D
Kava su pienu - mažas ritualas grįžus namo iš mylimojo, iš kurorto, kur apie kavą pamirštu, bet poveikį dėl jos nebuvimo mano organizme jaučiu. Mažas rytinis ritualas po dušo, kai iki visiško atsibudimo trūksta megalitro kavos su pienu. Ir su savo mergaitėm kavos su pienu visad maloniai išgersiu :) Aišku, apie jos naudą ar žalą organizmui aš jau nebesiplėtosiu, visi žinom, kad geriau pereiti prie žalios arbatos, nei kavos, bet man skanu ir aš nieko nežinau :D
Ir pinigai... O čia jau tokia plati tema, kad turbūt viso blog'o tam neužtektų. Aš nemoku taupyti. Tai yra pagrindinė mano problema... O jau reikėtų susiimt ;/
Ir nauji pirkinukai bei labai laukiama jau ketvirta pora batų. Viktoryte, Tu mane nužudysi, žinai? ;DDD
I started eating more yogurts after course of antibiotics. And I really love it with cereal. I like yogurt itself but cereals can make it very very deliciuos. So I guess everything depends on cereals :D
I was using my vitamins (blogged some posts ago) exactly for... one and a half day. I can't drink my medicines or vitamins if no one reminds me to do that. I know that's horrible but what can I do? Felling so headless :D
Coffe with milk. Sweet little ritual when I'm back from my boyfriends home, from that sweet little lovely resort of Lithuania where I just forget about MY coffee but I really feel that there are no coffee in my organism these days. Little ritual in the morning after the shower when the only one more thing needed to awake myself is the cup of coffee with milk. And surely coffee with milk and my girls - I just love those days. Yes yes, I know that it would be better to start drinking green tea in case of coffee, I know damage to organism but I just can't tell myself to end with it...I just love drinking coffee with milk and that's all :D
And also money. It's so wide theme that I guess I would need all that my own blog to talk about that but the main problem is that I don't know how to save up my money. And I know that I have to pull myself from spending money everywhere and for everything but I just can't ;/
So new purchases and... one more pair of shoes are on the way to my home. Thank you, Viktorija. You're really not making me maniac of new purchases and even the shoes.. :D
Vitaminus gėriau lygiai pirmas... pusantros dienos. Aš nemoku gert vaistų ar vitaminų, jei niekas man neprimena, kad juos reikia išgert. Siaubas kažkoks, na bet o ką daryt? Begalvė :D
Kava su pienu - mažas ritualas grįžus namo iš mylimojo, iš kurorto, kur apie kavą pamirštu, bet poveikį dėl jos nebuvimo mano organizme jaučiu. Mažas rytinis ritualas po dušo, kai iki visiško atsibudimo trūksta megalitro kavos su pienu. Ir su savo mergaitėm kavos su pienu visad maloniai išgersiu :) Aišku, apie jos naudą ar žalą organizmui aš jau nebesiplėtosiu, visi žinom, kad geriau pereiti prie žalios arbatos, nei kavos, bet man skanu ir aš nieko nežinau :D
Ir pinigai... O čia jau tokia plati tema, kad turbūt viso blog'o tam neužtektų. Aš nemoku taupyti. Tai yra pagrindinė mano problema... O jau reikėtų susiimt ;/
Ir nauji pirkinukai bei labai laukiama jau ketvirta pora batų. Viktoryte, Tu mane nužudysi, žinai? ;DDD
I started eating more yogurts after course of antibiotics. And I really love it with cereal. I like yogurt itself but cereals can make it very very deliciuos. So I guess everything depends on cereals :D
I was using my vitamins (blogged some posts ago) exactly for... one and a half day. I can't drink my medicines or vitamins if no one reminds me to do that. I know that's horrible but what can I do? Felling so headless :D
Coffe with milk. Sweet little ritual when I'm back from my boyfriends home, from that sweet little lovely resort of Lithuania where I just forget about MY coffee but I really feel that there are no coffee in my organism these days. Little ritual in the morning after the shower when the only one more thing needed to awake myself is the cup of coffee with milk. And surely coffee with milk and my girls - I just love those days. Yes yes, I know that it would be better to start drinking green tea in case of coffee, I know damage to organism but I just can't tell myself to end with it...I just love drinking coffee with milk and that's all :D
And also money. It's so wide theme that I guess I would need all that my own blog to talk about that but the main problem is that I don't know how to save up my money. And I know that I have to pull myself from spending money everywhere and for everything but I just can't ;/
So new purchases and... one more pair of shoes are on the way to my home. Thank you, Viktorija. You're really not making me maniac of new purchases and even the shoes.. :D
Only this picture is from here
Friday, March 25, 2011
Kosmetinės turtai /// Cosmetic bag things
Kadangi esu tokia fifty fifty internautė, tai va viename forume, kurio dalyvė esu, yra tokia žavi tema pavadinimu "Kosmetinės turtai". Ir štai antai va šiandien besitvarkydama savo kosmetikos klodus, sugalvojau įamžinti savo krepšą :) Taigi galite apžiūrinėti, jei kyla klausimų - nesidrovėkit, klauskit, pasistengsiu kuo išsamiau atsakyti.
In fact that I'm a fifty fifty blogger and user of the magic Internet :D I discuss in one our Lithuanian forum and there we have one theme called "Cosmetic bag things". So today I decided to put my cosmetics straight and to take a picture of all that treasury. You can look and if you have any questions - they are very welcome :) I will try to answer properly.
Kvepalai / perfume
Kūno priežiūra / Body care
Plaukų priežiūra / Hair care
Lūpų balzamai / Lip balms
Lūpų blizgiai / Lip gloss
Rankų kremai / Hand creams
Pudros / Powders
Akių šešėliai, antakių šešėliai ir primeris / Eye shadows, eyebrow shadow and primer for eyeshadows
Bronzantai ir skaistalai / Bronzers and shimmers
Blakstienų tušai / Mascara
Maskuokliai, akių pravedimai, antakių želė ir antakių pieštukas / Concealer, eyeliners, eyebrow gel and eyebrow pen
Akių pieštukai / Eye pencils
Draugai keliauninkai (šampūnas, dušo želė ir kremas) / They are always with me when I'm moving to other place (shampoo, shower gel and cream)
Ir mano aistra/manija - nagų lakai / And my passion/obsession - nail polishes
In fact that I'm a fifty fifty blogger and user of the magic Internet :D I discuss in one our Lithuanian forum and there we have one theme called "Cosmetic bag things". So today I decided to put my cosmetics straight and to take a picture of all that treasury. You can look and if you have any questions - they are very welcome :) I will try to answer properly.
Kvepalai / perfume
Veido priežiūra / face care
Higiena / hygiene
Makiažo valiklis, tonikas ir pieneliai / Make up remover, tonic and lotions
Kūno priežiūra / Body care
Lūpų balzamai / Lip balms
Lūpų blizgiai / Lip gloss
Rankų kremai / Hand creams
Pudros / Powders
Akių šešėliai, antakių šešėliai ir primeris / Eye shadows, eyebrow shadow and primer for eyeshadows
Šepetėliai / Brushes
Bronzantai ir skaistalai / Bronzers and shimmers
Blakstienų tušai / Mascara
Maskuokliai, akių pravedimai, antakių želė ir antakių pieštukas / Concealer, eyeliners, eyebrow gel and eyebrow pen
Akių pieštukai / Eye pencils
Draugai keliauninkai (šampūnas, dušo želė ir kremas) / They are always with me when I'm moving to other place (shampoo, shower gel and cream)
Ir mano aistra/manija - nagų lakai / And my passion/obsession - nail polishes
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Varginanti diena /// Tiring day
VISŲ PIRMA aš labai labai dėkoju savo JAU NET 41 sekėjui. Labai labai ačiū, skaičius nors ir nėra itin didelis, bet jis ir kiekvienas po juo besislepiantis skaitytojas verčia mane nesustoti dalintis savo pirkiniais, apžvalgomis ir savo mintimis... ;****
First of all I want to thank you all my followers because there are already 41 of you!!! Ultra huge thanks for following me. I understand that maybe number of followers isn't so big but it means to me a lot. And even more every follower and reader who is under that number let me to drive the process - not stop writing, sharing my new purchases, reviews and my thoughts ;****
Šiandien darbe buvau kaip niekad ilgai ;/ Jau reikia susiimti truputėlį ir padirbėt konkrečiai. Nebe daug liko iki pabaigos, o paskui galėsiu krimst teorinius mokslus.. Uoj skanu bus, uoj skanu...
Ta proga grįždama namo nusipirkau du šampūnus, medetkų tinktūros odos valymui brangiausiajam ir sau vitaminų po alinančio antibiotikų kurso... Ir taip taip taip - lygiai taip pat, kaip aprašyt, buvau pamiršus nusipirkt smilkalų :D Bet grįžau vos ne tekinom ir jų nusipirkau... Nežinau, ar tas kvapas bus toks pat gardus, kaip ir pavadinimo skambėjimas, bet labai tikiuosi, kad taip. Man smilkalų krizę prasidėjo...
It was ultra tiring and long day. I've decided that it's time to work hard because there's not much time left till the end of my practice. And then I'll have to become a real scholar and start writing my Bachelor.
So after work I've bought two new shampoos, calendula tincture (to clean the face) to my boyfriend and some vitamins to myself after that tiring course of antibiotics. And yes yes yes - exactly the same way as I forgot to mention here, I forgot to buy new incense. BUT! I've run back into the shop and bought them :)) Have no idea if the smell will be as good as good is name of that smell (coconut) but I really hope so... :) I guess I have new -holic begin - incense'o'holic...
First of all I want to thank you all my followers because there are already 41 of you!!! Ultra huge thanks for following me. I understand that maybe number of followers isn't so big but it means to me a lot. And even more every follower and reader who is under that number let me to drive the process - not stop writing, sharing my new purchases, reviews and my thoughts ;****
Šiandien darbe buvau kaip niekad ilgai ;/ Jau reikia susiimti truputėlį ir padirbėt konkrečiai. Nebe daug liko iki pabaigos, o paskui galėsiu krimst teorinius mokslus.. Uoj skanu bus, uoj skanu...
Ta proga grįždama namo nusipirkau du šampūnus, medetkų tinktūros odos valymui brangiausiajam ir sau vitaminų po alinančio antibiotikų kurso... Ir taip taip taip - lygiai taip pat, kaip aprašyt, buvau pamiršus nusipirkt smilkalų :D Bet grįžau vos ne tekinom ir jų nusipirkau... Nežinau, ar tas kvapas bus toks pat gardus, kaip ir pavadinimo skambėjimas, bet labai tikiuosi, kad taip. Man smilkalų krizę prasidėjo...
It was ultra tiring and long day. I've decided that it's time to work hard because there's not much time left till the end of my practice. And then I'll have to become a real scholar and start writing my Bachelor.
So after work I've bought two new shampoos, calendula tincture (to clean the face) to my boyfriend and some vitamins to myself after that tiring course of antibiotics. And yes yes yes - exactly the same way as I forgot to mention here, I forgot to buy new incense. BUT! I've run back into the shop and bought them :)) Have no idea if the smell will be as good as good is name of that smell (coconut) but I really hope so... :) I guess I have new -holic begin - incense'o'holic...
Eurokos ir Camelia vaistinė: Abu už ~8Lt akcijos metu (both cost ~8Lt with sale)
EuroVaistinė: Vitaminai ~14Lt akcijos metu, medetkų tinktūra ~4Lt (vitamins ~14Lt with sale and calendula tincture ~4Lt)
Eurokos, 0.89Lt
Monday, March 21, 2011
Absolutely totally definitely
I AM shoes'o'holic. And my sunbeam doesn't help me with those gifts at all... :D
Pics are made by Saulės Siela
Can't wait to get them all - three pairs already!!! Love love love, darling ;***
Friday, March 18, 2011
Spring is in me :)
It's good to make some changes. In my head and in my "home" :)
And - very big large huge awesome thanks for my followers! I'm really thankful that you all are reading me and I'm glad to make some changes in my blogspot. Hope you'll like them :)
And - very big large huge awesome thanks for my followers! I'm really thankful that you all are reading me and I'm glad to make some changes in my blogspot. Hope you'll like them :)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Let's try something new?
I'm shoes'o'holic. Absolutely totally. And they look just STUNNING on the leg. Again - thanks Viktorija ;*** You're really ma Sister Shopoholic :}}
And also my foot is larger than her so shoes are too big for her. And I wanted so much to see how they look on the foot that she showed me it on herself :) So one more big huge thanks darling! <3
Pics are made by Saulės Siela.