Vitaminus gėriau lygiai pirmas... pusantros dienos. Aš nemoku gert vaistų ar vitaminų, jei niekas man neprimena, kad juos reikia išgert. Siaubas kažkoks, na bet o ką daryt? Begalvė :D
Kava su pienu - mažas ritualas grįžus namo iš mylimojo, iš kurorto, kur apie kavą pamirštu, bet poveikį dėl jos nebuvimo mano organizme jaučiu. Mažas rytinis ritualas po dušo, kai iki visiško atsibudimo trūksta megalitro kavos su pienu. Ir su savo mergaitėm kavos su pienu visad maloniai išgersiu :) Aišku, apie jos naudą ar žalą organizmui aš jau nebesiplėtosiu, visi žinom, kad geriau pereiti prie žalios arbatos, nei kavos, bet man skanu ir aš nieko nežinau :D
Ir pinigai... O čia jau tokia plati tema, kad turbūt viso blog'o tam neužtektų. Aš nemoku taupyti. Tai yra pagrindinė mano problema... O jau reikėtų susiimt ;/
Ir nauji pirkinukai bei labai laukiama jau ketvirta pora batų. Viktoryte, Tu mane nužudysi, žinai? ;DDD
I started eating more yogurts after course of antibiotics. And I really love it with cereal. I like yogurt itself but cereals can make it very very deliciuos. So I guess everything depends on cereals :D
I was using my vitamins (blogged some posts ago) exactly for... one and a half day. I can't drink my medicines or vitamins if no one reminds me to do that. I know that's horrible but what can I do? Felling so headless :D
Coffe with milk. Sweet little ritual when I'm back from my boyfriends home, from that sweet little lovely resort of Lithuania where I just forget about MY coffee but I really feel that there are no coffee in my organism these days. Little ritual in the morning after the shower when the only one more thing needed to awake myself is the cup of coffee with milk. And surely coffee with milk and my girls - I just love those days. Yes yes, I know that it would be better to start drinking green tea in case of coffee, I know damage to organism but I just can't tell myself to end with it...I just love drinking coffee with milk and that's all :D
And also money. It's so wide theme that I guess I would need all that my own blog to talk about that but the main problem is that I don't know how to save up my money. And I know that I have to pull myself from spending money everywhere and for everything but I just can't ;/
So new purchases and... one more pair of shoes are on the way to my home. Thank you, Viktorija. You're really not making me maniac of new purchases and even the shoes.. :D

Only this picture is from here
batukai labai gražūs :) kokia kaina jų ir iš kur pirkai? :)
ReplyDeleteAčiūū :) lauktuviniai jie bus, draugė nupirko Dubline, tai labai labai laukiu, kai jau siųs visas 4 poras :)) tikiuos, kad ir pavasaris su jais ateis :D