Taigi, apie blizgį. Gamintojas sako:
Eau De Gloss – naujas lūpų blizgesys iš „Bourjois“. Unikali vandens pagrindu sukurta blizgesio formulė net keturias valandas padės Jūsų lūpoms išlikti drėgnoms, tuo pačiu nesuteikdama joms lipnumo, būdingo kitų rūšių lūpų blizgesiams. Pasitepusi šiuo lūpų blizgesiu, galėsite pamiršti plaukus, nuolatos besitaikančius prilipti prie Jūsų lūpų.
Patirtis parodė:
Jau naudojimo pradžioje blizgio kvapas buvo toks saldžiai įdomus, skonis irgi atitiko kvapą (nors link saldesnių). Teptukas smagus - mažas, bet pakankamai patogus. Spalvytė labai labai graži - ant lūpų turėjo rausvumo, nors šiaip ypatingai rožinės spalvos nedavė (ačiū Die). Tačiau lyg sausino lūpas, jas šiek tiek dilgčiojo. Dar vakar pabandžiau ir taip pat dilgčiojimas jautėsi ir netgi itin nemaloniai. Tai buvo paskutinis šansas blizgiui ir jis jo neišnaudojo :D Išmestas!
Tiesa, šepetėlį pasiliksiu - jį išplausiu ir toliau smagiai naudosiu blizgiams, kuriuos turiu tepamus pirštu :)
Yesterday at least I decided to throw out one more thing from my cosmetic bag. I haven't finished using it but at all I didn't liked it a lot. Bourjois Eau de Gloss 17 Rose Vitamine. I've bought that because it was on sale :D (sale price was about 9Lt and without sale it costs about 29Lt) and because of amazing package - I had this gloss for about a year and all that time I just can't took my eyes off that awesome package and don't wanted to throw it up earlier than yesterday.. In fact only when I've bought this I saw that the package isn't made from glass - it's made from plastic or something like that. I guess it's logical solution - manufacturer contemplate the subtlety of women's handbag wearing and made long-lasting thing :D
So about the gloss. Manufacturer told us:
Bourjois Eau de Gloss Lipgloss. With a 14% water content, Eau de Gloss immediately gives lips a fresh, thirst-quenching sensation and keeps them moisturized continuously for 4 hours. The light and non-sticky texture of Eau de Gloss gives lips the perfect amount of sheer shine.
My own using shows:
Even at the start of using smell of lipgloss was a bit sweet-interesting, taste also correspond to smell. Brush is nice - small but fairly comfortable to use. The colour is really very nice - it gives a little pink shade on the lips but, however, it won't make lips very pink (thanks God). However it have drained my lips and also I felt some lips tingling. I have tried it for last time yesterday and I also felt that tingle and that wasn't very nice :D So it was last chance for my lovely packaged lipgloss but it haven't used that :D Thrown out!
And also I've decided to leave the brush for me - I just wash it up and will use for those lipglosses without brushes and which are using with finger.

Penktadienį mačiau tave sebarenoj - į tenisą ėjai? :)
ReplyDeletelove the colour! ;)