I just wanted to say that last weeks are so so so busy cause there is only 1 week left till my Bachelor's thesis (here in Lithuania we are writing not a thesis but making some project ant writing everything about it) must be done and registered. So I have lot to do. And today's Department meeting where will be discussed whether student can introduce his work or not... I do not byu anything (almost :D), but... Today I will make a little review about my last best purchase. And also about one more "End up? Thrown out!" thing but however this time it's really end up, not thrown out :)
Review: Envie hair conditioner, spray.

Kirpykla, 25Lt
Hair salon, 25Lt
Purškiamas plaukų kondicionerius su pieno vitaminais. Itališkas. SUPERINIS DAIKTAS. Kaip jau esu minėjusi, mano plaukai labai labai veliasi, žiauriai sunku juos iššukuoti, pastoviai kankinu save ir pešu plaukus šepečiu. Apie šukas net negaliu pagalvot - jos tiesiog išlūžtų :D Todėl, paklausiusi kirpėjos, užsisakiau šį kondicionierių. Ir visiškai nesigailiu - kvepia super skaniai, pienišku kokteiliu. O jau poveikis... Pasaka. Plaukai slidūs, minkšti, žvilgantys, kur kas lengviau iššukuojami. Plaukų gumelė tiesiog slysta iš plaukų, apie ką net negalėjau pagalvot... Esu daugiau, nei patenkinta šiuo pirkiniu :))
Hairspray conditioner with milk vitamins. Made in Italy. ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!! As I have mentioned in my earlier posts I have lots of problems with my hair - there is just a mat of hair :D I have to pluck them all the time when I want to tease out them ;/ And only with hairbrush - I just can't even think about comb :D So I decided to buy this spray when my hairdresser recommended it to me :) It has awesome smell - like a milkshake. And effect - awesome! My hair now are slick, shiny, more easier to comb :) And my hairgrip just slide out from my head - I couldn't even think about that! I'm totally pleased with this purchase :)
End up: Bebe shower&shave gel

Kaina (price): 2Lt
Jau ne pirmas šis gėris mano namuose. Ir jau turbūt esu rašiusi apie jį. Turiu dar berods 2 ar 3 pakuotes. O sunaudojau gal jau 4. Tobulas kainos ir kokybės santykis. Nuostabus produktas :) Rekomenduoju!!
I guess that I've already told about this product. I have 2 or 3 more at home and I've end maybe 4 at least. It's a perfect value for money :) I really recommend it!
P.S. Manau, kad greitu metu blogas šiek tiek atgis, nes laukia suknelės paieškos, taip pat planuose gauti žavų siuntinuką :) Nepykit, supraskit - sunku studentams su laiku :D
P.S. I think that soon my blog will come alive cause I will be searching for dress and also I think that soon I will get one parcel from IE :) Sooo please don't be angry and understand - it's hard a bit with lack of time for students.. :}
kur cia taip pigiai gavai uz 2lt?