Dekoratyvinė kosmetika ir nauji pirkiniai turbūt visuomet buvo mano tinklaraščio varikliukas. Ir tik retais atvejais jame išlenda akimirkos iš Instagram programėlės (Insta-moments įrašai) arba trumpi ir itin netikėti įrašai apie kitą mano kosmetinės pusę - įvairias kūno, plaukų, odos priežiūros priemones.
Šiandien iš pajūrio keliaudama namo nusprendžiau - noriu ne tik vėl kurį nors šių metų savaitgalį praleisti Paryžiuje, nors jame buvau jau 3 kartus (taip, A. Hepburn buvo, yra ir bus teisi pasakiusi, kad Paryžius - visuomet puiki idėja!), bet ir pasidalinti savo pačiu naujausiu, bet tikrai pačiu mylimiausiu atradimu - keliomis prancūziškomis veido odos priežiūros priemonėmis, kurios mano kasdienybę nuspalvino itin žaviomis spalvomis!
Make up stuff and new purchases are always the biggest part of my blog. And only from time to time I publish some posts with my Instagram moments or some small reviews about various skin care, body care or hair care range products.
However on my way back home from lovely Sunday walk at the beach today I realised that I would love to not only go back to Paris for a weekend this year even though I've been there three times already (yes, A. Hepburn was, is an always be right with these words she said that "Paris is always a good idea!"), but also share some reviews and opinion about newest french skin scare products that I recently re-purchased and can really say that it made my life so much brighter and easier!
La Roche Posay "Effaclar" purrifying foraming gel and "Effaclar Duo [+]" anti-blemish cream

Su šiomis veido odos priežiūros priemonėmis mane supažindino žavingoji Greta. Ir kaip aš tuo džiaugiuosi! Kadangi mano oda visuomet buvo probleminė ir tik nuėjusi pasidaryti pirmojo veido valymo ir masažo sužinojau, kad ji yra dehidratuota (ko pasekoje ir kyla visos problemos), nebežinojau, ko griebtis, mat visuomet maniau, jog mano oda yra mišri ir riebi! Todėl visuomet bandydavau ją sausinti, gydyti įvairiomis priemonėmis, kurios suteikdavo tik laikiną efektą.. Ir tuomet Greta, savo kailiu išbandžiusi šį duetą, man tarė žodį, jog man jo REIKIA. Ir aš patikėjau :) Ir nesigailiu.
Me and La Roche Posay skin care duo got to know each other because of my dear friend Greta. And I can't even describe how happy I am now about this relationship!! :) My skin was always really hard to look after and only after I got my first facial and massage done, I found out that my skin is not only combined or oily - it's dehydrated and that's where all my problems are coming from. All the time I've used products that would make my skin a bit dryer and all these products were only giving the one - time result. So I was always trying and trying and trying something new. Until Greta told me that after she tried and used it for a bit, I really need to get my hands on it, too!!

La Roche Posay "Effaclar" valomasis prausiklis yra skirtas riebiai jautriai odai. Valiklis puikiai nuvalo nešvarumus bei riebalų perteklių nuo odos ir taip palieką odą švariai nupraustą bei atgaivintą. Savo sudėtyje neturintis jokių parabenų, muilo, alkoholio ar dažiklių tinka itin jautriai odai bei jos neerzina.
La Roche Posay "Effaclar Duo [+]" kremas - gelis yra produktas, kurio vieno užtenka ant kosmetinio stalelio tam, kad norimas efektas būtų pasiektas! Taip pat savo sudėtyje neturintis parabenų, veido kremas ne tik padės pašviesinti ar išnaikinti nuo spuogų likusias tamsesnes dėmeles ar jau esančius spuogus, bet ir neleis poroms kimštis bei drėkins odą taip versdamas ją švelnesne, malonesne liesti. Dėl savo patogios kremo - gelio tekstūros jis itin greitai susigeria į odą bei yra tinkamas naudoti tiek ryte, tiek vakare.
La Roche Posay "Effaclar"gently purifies the skin due to its cleansing agents selected to respect sensitive skin. It eliminates impurities and excess sebum while leaving the skin clean and fresh. With soothing, anti - irritant La Roche - Posay thermal spring water, pH 5.5, being soap free, alcohol free, paraben and colorant free, this face wash is really suitable for even most sensitive skin.
La Roche Posay "Effaclar Duo [+]" cream - gel is one product that does it all for you and you don't need anything else on your skin care table from the creams range! It corrects the appearance of the blemishes and, at the same time, it helps pores look less clogged, moisturises the skin and makes it look and feel smoother and fights against marks left after the spots. Due to it's gel texture, cream can be used in the morning or in the evening.

Turiu pripažinti, kad viskas, ką oficialus La Roche - Posay tinklapis rašo apie šias priemones, yra absoliuti tiesa! Tačiau pastebėjimas būtų vienas ir vienintelis - abi priemones būtina naudoti kartu tam, kad efektas būtų matomas iškart ir išliktų ilgą laiką :) Turbūt todėl mūsuose šios priemonės daugumoje vaistinių yra parduodamos vienoje pakuotėje kartu už specialią akcinę kainą. Skųstis tikrai negalima :)
Abi priemonės - tiek prausiklis, tiek kremas - yra itin skalsios ir jų tikrai užtenka ilgam. Savo pirmąjį duetą pradėjau naudoti daugmaž prieš 2 - 2.5mėn ir jo dar nebaigiau. Tiesa, vienu etapu maždaug apie 1 - 1.5sav prie šių priemonių naudojimo prisijungė ir mano mylimasis. Norimą efektą iš priemonių jis gavo ir naudoti jas nustojo :) Efektas nedingo, taigi džiugesys abiems!
Priemonės tikrai neturi jokio erzinančio kvapo, veikiau kvepia švaria gaiva. Neerzina odos, kremas nepalieka lipnumo ir susigeria itin greitai. Abiejų produktų pakuotės ne tik tvarkingai atrodo, bet ir pagamintos patogiam naudojimui, mat produktas visuomet stovi taip, kad jį būtų patogu išsipausti. Tiesa, labai džiugina ir tai, kaip atrodo pačios pakuotės - švara ir vanduo, štai kas šauna į galvą pamačius baltai mėlynas veido priežiūros priemonių tūbeles :)
I really have to admit that everything what's said in the official site of La Roche - Posay is an absolute true! However I only have one advice - try and use these two things together to get the quickest, best and long - lasting result. I also think that this is an actual reason why in most Irish chemists you can find them selling these two together for a special price :) I can't complain though, if I'm honest, as getting two great products cheaper is really nice!
Both products - washing gel and the cream - are really long-lasting. I've started using my first two about 2 - 2.5months ago and I still haven't finished them! By the way, at one stage my beloved joined me using these products and he used them for about 1 - 1.5 week. He got his results, it's still there so we are both happy about it! :)
Both products really do not contain any additional fragrance and it only smells very fresh and clean. It doesn't irritate the skin, cream doesn't leave any sticky feeling on the skin and also sinks in very quickly. The packaging of both products also looks really good! It doesn't only look neat - it is also made for easy use as the caps of both products are flat and they can stand easily, so the actual product is always at the bottom of the package and can be reached very easily. And I cannot forget to point this fact that packaging of the product like that also looks very fresh, clean and neat. And the first thought that comes to my head when I see it - clean neatness and water as the packaging of both is white and blue! :)
Both products - washing gel and the cream - are really long-lasting. I've started using my first two about 2 - 2.5months ago and I still haven't finished them! By the way, at one stage my beloved joined me using these products and he used them for about 1 - 1.5 week. He got his results, it's still there so we are both happy about it! :)
Both products really do not contain any additional fragrance and it only smells very fresh and clean. It doesn't irritate the skin, cream doesn't leave any sticky feeling on the skin and also sinks in very quickly. The packaging of both products also looks really good! It doesn't only look neat - it is also made for easy use as the caps of both products are flat and they can stand easily, so the actual product is always at the bottom of the package and can be reached very easily. And I cannot forget to point this fact that packaging of the product like that also looks very fresh, clean and neat. And the first thought that comes to my head when I see it - clean neatness and water as the packaging of both is white and blue! :)

Mano vonioje naudojimo laukia jau antrasis šių priemonių duetas, taigi galite spręsti, jog mano palankumą jis tikrai pelnė! :) O tuo pačiu itin rekomenduočiau ir Jums išbandyti, jeigu purkštaujate dėl savo odos būklės ir niekaip nerandate priemonių, kuriomis galėtumėte ją pagerinti. Šiuo metu įvairiose internetinėse parduotuvėse prancūziškai kosmetikai taikomos nuolaidos, taigi šias priemones galite įsigyti už itin palankią kainą! Ech, ir vėl prancūzai mus lepina.. Ne tik žavia šalimi, bet ir puikiomis priemonėmis. Ir kaip gi galima nemylėti Prancūzijos...
O Jūs ar bandėte šias La Roche - Posay priemones? O galbūt turite kitas savo mėgiamiausias prancūziškas grožio priemones? Pasidalinkite nuomonėmis, nes jos visada įdomios!! :)
So there is another set in my bathroom waiting for it to be used. And this is the reason why you can all realise how much I like this French goodie! :) And at the same time I would highly recommend for all of you who suffers from bad skin and can't find the right products to deal with it - try these two and you might be surprised! :) I've also seen that various online shops offers big discounts for French products (make up, skin care, hair care, body care) so you can get these products cheaper. Well, after all, how can you not love France? France is spoiling us not only with some great views and places in there but also with some great stuff for make up addicts!
Have any of you guys tried these products from La Roche - Posay? Or maybe you have some other French stuff that you adore and would love to share your opinion about it? Come on, tell us your story as it's always interesting to hear some reviews!! :)
So there is another set in my bathroom waiting for it to be used. And this is the reason why you can all realise how much I like this French goodie! :) And at the same time I would highly recommend for all of you who suffers from bad skin and can't find the right products to deal with it - try these two and you might be surprised! :) I've also seen that various online shops offers big discounts for French products (make up, skin care, hair care, body care) so you can get these products cheaper. Well, after all, how can you not love France? France is spoiling us not only with some great views and places in there but also with some great stuff for make up addicts!
Have any of you guys tried these products from La Roche - Posay? Or maybe you have some other French stuff that you adore and would love to share your opinion about it? Come on, tell us your story as it's always interesting to hear some reviews!! :)
Perskaiciau si posta ir galvoje sukasi vienintele mintis- man reikia sio dueto!
ReplyDeleteturėjau ir aš, tiek prausiklį, tiek kremą. prausiklis visai nieko buvo, labai ilgam užteko, tačiau nieko stebuklingo. o taip visur liaubsimas kremas su mado oda nepadarė visiškai nieko:(
ReplyDeleteIr aš užsinorėjau!
Gabija Sun - rekomenduoju išbandyti! :)
ReplyDeleteJustina Lukševičiūte - aš pirkau Hickeys vaistinėje, o po to ir Meaghers vaistinėje Dubline :) Internetu šiomis priemonėmis prekiauja
Super apžvalga:)) Norėjau paklausti ar kremukas tinka sausai odai? Ar drėkina? Nes turiu sausą, probleminę odą.