Būdama pamišusi dėl makiažo ir įvairių naujovių ar senovių, tikrai nepamirštu vieno svarbiausių dalykų - higienos bei priežiūros įvairioms makiažo priemonėms. Pradedant nuo kosmetikos išbandymo parduotuvėse pasirenkant išbandyti priemones (pvz. lūpų dažus ir t.t.) ne tiesiai ant savęs, bet ant rankos ir baigiant atidžia makiažo teptukų priežiūra.
Being so mad about the make up will definitely makes me always think not only about the stuff that I purchase but also about the hygiene side of the stuff that I'm trying or I have. Starting with testing products on my hand rather than straight on my face skin or lips in the shop and finishing with looking after and taking a good care of my make up brushes.
Turiu pripažinti, kad seniau savo makiažo teptukus plaudavau pakankamai retai. Kolekcija tik didėjo, plovimas, rodos, būdavo vis atidedamas. Nes šepetėliams išdžiūti, kuomet jie paliekami ne ant saulės, neužtenka vienos nakties.. Rytais skubu, vakarais pamirštu arba nesiryžtu jų plauti, kadangi ryte neturėsiu kaip pasidaryti makiažo. Taigi šis pakankamai tamsus darbas būdavo atidedamas iki savaitgalio. Savaitgalį planai paskeičia ir teptukai vėl būna neišplauti.. Tačiau tuomet pradėjau ieškoti išeities, leidžiančios naudotis higieniškais makiažo teptukais net ir tuomet, kai dažausi tik pati, nedarau makiažo niekam kitam, tačiau nereikalautų bent vienos paros laukimo tam, kad galėčiau vėl naudotis švariais šepetėliais. Štai tuomet mano Draugė mane ir supažindino su itin puikiai ir itin lengvai naudojama priemone.
I have to admit that more than a few years ago I was washing my make up brushes pretty rarely. That's why I was constantly adding more and more (most of the times crappy, though :/ ) brushes to my collection and I was always delaying the wash up of the brushes. It always takes a full day if not more for the brushes to fully dry if they aren't left on the sun (and, let's admit - sun in Rainland is a pretty rare occasion). So basically I wasn't able to wash them in the mornings as I was constantly rushing to get ready and get to work. I wasn't able to wash them in the evenings as I was always scared that they won't get dry until the morning and I won't have my tools to do my make up. I was leaving this process until the weekend but then plans were changing and I kept forgetting about it. So basically this dark and dirty process was always delayed until some certain point. I've started to look for some product that could be used to freshen up and in some ways clean my brushes but wouldn't require waiting of at least one day for the brushes to be dry and available for use again. So that was the moment when my Friend introduced me with a really great and really easy to use stuff.
MAC Brush Cleanser, 235ml (MAC šepetėlių valymo skystis)

Priemonės naudojimas itin paprastas - kaip ir ant buteliuko užrašyta instrukcija teigia, tereikia paimti sausą nešvarų šepetėlį, ant paprastos popierinės servetėlės užpilti šiek tiek valomojo skysčio ir šepetėlį sukamaisiais judesiais valyti į sudrėkintą servetėlę. Be jokios abejonės, visos makiažo priemonės nebus visiškai pilnai pašalintos iš šepetėlio, nes tai gali būti padaryta tik šepetėlį plaunant, tačiau ši priemonė išvalys spalvą iš šepetėlio, kuomet norima naudoti jį kitos spalvos šešėliams ar skaistalams arba kuomet norima žinoti, jog naudojamas šepetėlis yra tiesiog higieniškesnis. Mat šį skystį galima naudoti taip dažnai, kaip norisi.
The Use of the product is really simple. It is also stated on the bottle - just take the dirty brush, put some cleanser on the paper towel / tissue and work through it with the brush. Then lay it flat or put it into the brush shaper and allow to dry. It won't take too long and the cleanser is perfect if you want to make sure that the brush is hygienic to use or you want to use one brush for different shades of i.e. eye shadows or blushes. However, keep in mind, that this cleanser won't clean the brushes fully - the best cleaning of the brushes is always to clean them with a baby shampoo or special brush cleanser but this product will allow you to use the brushes nearly immediately and you won't need to damp them in the water and wait overnight. You can also use this cleanser as often as you want.

Valiklio sudėtyje yra alkoholio (www.makeupalley.com atskleidžia visą šios priemonės sudėtį), būtent todėl šepetėliai išdžiūsta labai greitai. Tačiau pati priemonė neturi aštraus, aiškaus alkoholio kvapo. Nors kai kurie naudotojai sako, kad aiškiai jaučia alkoholio kvapą. Asmeniškai man kvapas kaip tik atrodo gana gaivus, nerėžiantis nosies.
The ingredients of this cleanser contains alcohol so that's the reason why the brushes get dry really quickly. However I wouldn't say that the actual smell of the cleanser reveals alcohol that strongly. There are some reviews about the item where people are saying that they can smell the alcohol really strong of this item but I wouldn't say so - I think that the smell isn't too strong or too annoying.
The ingredients of this cleanser contains alcohol so that's the reason why the brushes get dry really quickly. However I wouldn't say that the actual smell of the cleanser reveals alcohol that strongly. There are some reviews about the item where people are saying that they can smell the alcohol really strong of this item but I wouldn't say so - I think that the smell isn't too strong or too annoying.

Priemonės kaina taip pat pakankamai draugiška - už 235ml valomojo skysčio paklosite apie $15 arba €15 priklausomai nuo pirkimo vietos. Duty Free tinkle ši priemonė kainuoja pigiau. Kadangi skystis tikrai itin skalsus ir vieno buteliuko man užteks labai ilgam (patį skystį turiu jau turbūt apie metus laiko), manau, jog kaina tikrai atitinka ir produkto naudojimo trukmę ir jo kokybę.
The price of the item, on my opinion, is really good depending on the amount of the product and on the quality - you will pay around $15 or €15 depending on the place where you are going to get it. Duty Free will offer this item for a bit cheaper. So basically I should say that the price is really worth the quality and the length of the use as it's really long-lasting product.

Taigi, reziumuojant visą šį įrašą turiu pripažinti - labai džiaugiuosi savo sprendimu kosmetikos krepšelį papildyti šiuo MAC šepetėlių valikliu. Itin patogus naudoti, itin skalsus, pakankamai nebrangus produktas, padedantis kasdienybėje :) Ko daugiau norėti?
Ar Jūs esate bandžiusios šią MAC priemonę? O gal esate bandžiusios kokią nors kitą panašaus veikimo priemonę ir galite pasidalinti nuomonę? :)
Ar Jūs esate bandžiusios šią MAC priemonę? O gal esate bandžiusios kokią nors kitą panašaus veikimo priemonę ir galite pasidalinti nuomonę? :)
So to sum all up I have to admit that I'm really happy with my decision on getting this MAC Brush Cleanser. It's very easy to use, it's long-lasting, quite cheap and really helpful in daily make-up routine. What else could I ask for?
Have you ever tried this product? Or maybe you've found something similar from different brand and can share your experience and opinions?:)
Have you ever tried this product? Or maybe you've found something similar from different brand and can share your experience and opinions?:)
Kai labai neatrandu laiko normaliai išplauti, kartais naudoju paprastą micelinį vandenį - veikia tikrai neblogai :D Išdžiūsta greičiau nei plaunant, tačiau tikiu, jog ne taip greitai kaip su tokiu valikliu turinčiu alkoholio :)
ReplyDeleteAš naudoju šį valiklį jau antrus metus. Nepakeičiamas mažiems šepetėliams.