Even though I left my country not so long ago (well, it depends actually of how everyone measures the time frame), but there are still plenty of Lithuanian thingies surrounding me. My best friend is amazing Lithuanian girl, my beloved one is Lithuanian guy. My lovely nails technician is gorgeous woman from Lithuania. You can always find some Lithuanian curd and cheese in our fridge. Sometimes we spend our free time watching Lithuanian movies, I always read Lithuanian magazines or blogs and I always communicate in my own language, even though at work and in my daily life I have to speak foreign language. But all of this daily life is probably usual to all of the immigrants. However there is one more thing that I definitely have not forgot about when I left my country - those amazing people with golden hands who create fabulous hand-made pieces and make my soul sing.

Su'RaSta ženklo įkūrėją radau labai seniai.. Turbūt dar tuomet, kai Jos galvoje neknibždėjo šio nuostabaus ženklo ir šių ypatingų rankų darbo aksesuarų idėjos. Viskas prasidėjo nuo iš jos įsigytų puikių auskarų, kuriais džiaugiausi dar gyvendama Lietuvoje. Tačiau visai neseniai pamačiusi Jos sukurtos naujos linijos apyrankes, viduje užsidegiau tokiu nenumaldomu noru įsigyti bent kelias, kad man nesutrukdė nei atstumas, nei laukimas, nei... smulki mano pačios klaida pirmojo užsakymo atveju :) Kuri labai lengvai išsisprendė pirmąjį apyrankių užsakymą man padovanojus savo geriausiai draugei.
Mergina, kuri gamina nuostabius papuošalus pagal užsakymą bei parduoda jau pagamintus kūrinius. Daugiau informacijos galite rasti bei su kūrėja susisiekti Jos Facebook darbų anketoje štai čia, o aš skubu pasidalinti savo džiaugsmu ir lekiu mėgautis lietingu, bet kupinu puikios lietuviškos kompanijos ir jaukumo šeštadieniu :)
I got to know the owner of small Lithuanian brand Su'RaSta a good while ago. I think when we got to know each other, she even had no thoughts about such an amazing brand and such a fabulous jewellery. Everything started when I bought a couple of earrings that she made and I was still living in Lithuania. However not too long ago I just saw these great bracelets that she started making and there were no stops for me to purchase few of them - no distance, no waiting, not even my own small mistake after the first order :) Which lead to the fact that my best friend also has a pair of these bracelets now and the mistake was simply solved by myself :)
This woman makes amazing hand-made pieces by order and also sells already made pieces. You can contact her or see the album of her pieces in her Facebook page. And I just want to show you my two hand-made in Lithuania bracelets that I've ordered from her :)

Tikrai labai dailios apyrankės :)
ReplyDeleteLabai gražu! <3 išvis nuotraukos kokios gražios! :D