Monday, June 22, 2015

Game Over, Holiday.

Atšoktos vestuvės, įdegusi oda, patrumpinti plaukai, laime, džiaugsmu ir ramybe žibančios akys. Sąrašas dalykų, kurių noriu imtis su trenksmu, nes kai baigiasi vienas etapas ir prasideda kitas, pasikeitimų norisi neišvengiamai! :) Taigi, stengsiuosi pažadėti Sau, nes turbūt būtent tie pažadai Sau yra patys svarbiausi ir tie, kurių tiesiog gėda nesilaikyti arba neišpildyti.. Birželis jau baigiasi, o mano galvoje naujos mintys tik gimsta ir sąrašas tik pildosi ir pildosi..

Having the wedding out of the way now, having my skin tanned, having cut my hairs a bit and having those eyes full of joy, relax, and calm. "To Do" list is getting done and building up because when you finish one chapter and starting another, you always want some changes in your life, don't you? :) So I will try to make some promises to Myself. Only because I think that those promises to Myself are the ones that I will just have to keep and make sure I'll do it cause it's always worst to lie to Myself.. The June is nearly finished but the thoughts in my head and plans are only starting to build up..



1 comment :

  1. Sveikinimai vestuviu proga!!! Kuo didziausios laimes ir daug smagiu akimirku!! O vestuviu nuotraukos kokio dievisko grozio!!!!!!!


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