Už lango ošiant vėjui, šaltukui kandžiojant skruostus, vasaros saulei pasislėpus po rudeniškų debesų patalais nori nenori susivoki - paskutinė vasaros diena raudonuoja ne tik kalendoriuje, bet ir tvyro ore.. Vasaros prisiminimais liks žavingai įdegusios kojos ir nuo vasaros juoko bei nuotykių paraudę skruostai, fotoaparato arba telefono lęšiais užfiksuoti smagiausi įspūdžiai ir momentai bei širdis džiuginančios dienos ir naktys. Ruduo trenks kumščiu į visais šiais trupiniais nuklotą stalą ir ateis su savo batais. Bet tikrai bus ne ką prastesnis, o gal net ir labesnis :)
When the wind is going out of its mind outside, cold weather is biting the cheeks, when the summery sun is covered with an autumn skies, you just have to realise - the last day of summer isn't only marked in the calendar - it is all over the place. The summer will be reminded by tanned legs and blushed cheeks when you laughed out loud all of yourself, camera or phone lenses have fixed all of the best moments and all these amazing days and nights. The autumn will bang its fist on the table covered in all these amazing summery moments and will come with its own shoes. Which may be even better than summers :)
Vasara man buvo smagus atradimų metas. Ne tik tam tikrų gyvenimiškų naujovių atžvilgiu, bet ir kosmetinės turiniu. Nors man lengviausia pasakoti savo įspūdžius apie dekoratyvinę kosmetiką, nes ji turi viską - spalvas, pakuotes, apie ją taip lengva susidaryti ir išsamiai papasakoti savo įspūdžius, tačiau šį kartą noriu papasakoti apie savo vasarą atrastas ir labai mylimas DOVE priemones. Visos jos buvo įsigytos visiškai atsitiktinai, tik norint išbandyti kažką naujo, tačiau visos keturios priemonės tapo mano vonios must have (būtina turėti) priemonėmis!
This summer was a Summer of Discoveries for me. Not only life-time changing events but also some newly discovered beauty products. And although for me it is still easier to write posts and review make up products, because it has everything - colours, shapes, packaging, textures, etc. and it's just easier to review it, I have decided to give it a go and today write a post about few DOVE products that I have discovered during this summer. All of them were purchased absolutely accidentally when standing in shop I've decided to try out something new. And I have to admit that now I love all of them and they became a Must Have products in my bathroom!
DOVE "Purely Pampering Nourishing body oil", Pistachio cream and magnolia, 150ml
DOVE "Nutritive Solutions" 2 in 1 Daily Moisture Shampoo & Conditioner, 400ml
DOVE "Pure Care Dry Oil" non greasy Shampoo for dull, dry hair, 250ml
DOVE "Pure Care Dry Oil" treatment mask for dull, dry hair, 200ml