Mane visuomet žavėjo daugiakalbiai žmonės. Juk mokėti daugiau, nei vieną savo gimtąją kalbą, yra ne tik patrauklu ir pagirtina - tai reikalauja noro, valios, pastangų ir nuolatinio tobulėjimo. Turbūt todėl, kad nuo mažens savo aplinkoje girdėjau ir kalbėjau ne tik lietuvių, bet ir rusų kalba, o mokykloje buvau mokoma anglų kalbos, mane visuomet traukė išmokti dar ir dar ir dar kokių nors kalbų. Todėl kuomet draugė pasiūlė eiti kartu mokytis prancūzų kalbos - ilgai negalvojusi sutikau. Juk man taip patinka Paryžius (be jokios abejonės, Prancūzija tikrai neapsiriboja tik juo), įvairūs prancūziški skanėstai, o prancūzų kalba - viena įdomesnių ir skambesnių, todėl sutikau įkristi į šią šiokia tokią avantiūrą ir savo žinias papildyti dar viena nuostabia kalba. Taigi, praėjus jau beveik pusmečiui nuo šios kalbos mokymosi pradžios šiandien atbėgu pasidalinti savo įspūdžiais ir su Jumis :)
I was always amazed by multi-lingual people. I honestly think that knowing more than your native language is so attractive and praiseworthy - it requires so much willingness, desire and constant improvement to learn a new language. Maybe because I was raised with not only Lithuanian, but Russian language around me and when in school I started learning English, I always had this kinda wish to learn more new languages. So when my bestie suggested to go and learn French language together - I almost straight away said Yes! I love Paris (and yes, I am aware of the fact that France isn't only Paris), I like various French food and drinks and French language itself sounds really interesting and different, I thought that this adventure should be really interesting and so useful for my own benefit. So now, when it is almost half a year after we started studying it, I came here to share my impressions with you :)
I was always amazed by multi-lingual people. I honestly think that knowing more than your native language is so attractive and praiseworthy - it requires so much willingness, desire and constant improvement to learn a new language. Maybe because I was raised with not only Lithuanian, but Russian language around me and when in school I started learning English, I always had this kinda wish to learn more new languages. So when my bestie suggested to go and learn French language together - I almost straight away said Yes! I love Paris (and yes, I am aware of the fact that France isn't only Paris), I like various French food and drinks and French language itself sounds really interesting and different, I thought that this adventure should be really interesting and so useful for my own benefit. So now, when it is almost half a year after we started studying it, I came here to share my impressions with you :)

Pirmiausia noriu pradėti nuo labai didelės asmeninės padėkos savo draugei Gretai - kadangi ši idėja apie prancūzų kalbos kursus buvo jos, aš visas tinkamiausios mokyklos paieškas patikėjau jai. Žinau, kad gal ne visuomet gražu ir draugiška taip elgtis, tačiau žinau, kad šiuo žmogumi galiu pasitikėti kone visose gyvenimo srityse, todėl tikėjau ir žinojau, jog ji tikrai suras mums geriausią mokyklą ir geriausius kursus. Ir tikrai neklydau :) Mokytis prancūzų kalbos pradėjome Dubline esančioje Alliance Française prancūzų kalbos mokykloje. Tiek aš, tiek Greta žinojome gal po penkis prancūziškus žodžius, todėl pradedančiųjų kursas (arba A1.1) mums pasirodė tiesiog idealus!
I would like to start this whole thing with a HUGE, massive thanks to my best friend Greta - if not her and this idea that she had, I probably would have never started it myself :) As I can trust her in almost all life situations, I knew that she could find the best school for us so I kinda left it with her. I know it doesn't sound very friendly to leave it all to one person when we both decided to study it, but I knew she will find the best one and I let her do that Greta La Grand thing :) And she found it! We started studying French in this great Alliance Française school in Dublin's city center. Both me and Greta knew maybe 5 French words each, so we decided to sing up to a complete beginners course (A1.1) as it appeared to be exactly what we needed!

At the very first class we were introduced to our lecturer and the whole class. And I have to say - those first few classes were the most terrifying and hard thing for me! I know that it is always hard and tough to learn something new, especially if you have completely no idea about it. But our classes for complete beginners started in French straight away! I couldn't understand a thing in there and my eyes where always rounded from being amazed and a bit lost in space :D Our lecturer was trying to communicate with all of use mainly in French only and I was sitting, listening and having no clue what she wants from us.. I was happy, though, seeing the majority of my classmates in similar situation - they maybe knew like 10 - 15 French words each but they seemed a bit lost hearing lecturer speaking French only and not really understanding it. Of course, she knew English and from time to time she was explaining the whole thing and herself in English, but she was trying to speak to us in French only and trying to make us get used to be surrounded by this language from the first minutes. And know, after almost half a year, I get her point and am so happy and thankful about this!

As I have already mentioned, first few classes were like a whole different world to me. Although we were only given the classes from the basic information (e.g. how to say your name in French, age, address, how to use very basic verbs, etc.), but it goes to the whole different level when you are studying French in English speaking country, your native language is Lithuanian and you are also somehow surrounded with Russian language from time to time, everything becomes just a bit too much sometimes and mixes up and it becomes even harder to concentrate and understand things. But I had to take myself to the hands :D I had to cop on and I had to just put things in the right places. The more time I spent learning French in classes and on my own, the more beautiful this language became to me.

In our course the classes are read from the books written by Monique Denyer, Augustin Garmendia ir Marie Laure Lions Olivieri - Version Originale 1 handbook and Version Originale 1 workbook. They both come with a CDs which I think are so useful - it allows you to not only do reading or writing exercises, but also listening ones. I have also bought few other books myself just to study at home - Mary E. Coffman Crocker "Schaum's Outline of French Grammar" book and CGP Books "KS3 French Study Guide" handbook and CGP Books "KS3 French Workbook with Answers" workbook. So I kind of let myself go a bit wild with studying French and got few other books on the side. And I am not even mentioning finding these different webpages for learning (e.g. Duolingo, Quizlet, etc.). Learning French was so interesting to me, that almost every lunch break at work was devoted not only for food, but for French, too! :)

Tiesa, turiu paminėti, kad iš esmės naujos kalbos mokymasis šiek tiek vargina - viskas tikrai nėra vien tik gražu ir spalvota. Paskaitų laiką galima pasirinkti patį tinkamiausią, tačiau mes pasirinkome ir mokslus tęsiame ketvirtadienio vakarais nuo 19:35 iki 21:35. Taigi darbo dieną pradėjus anksti ryte (nuo 8val ar 9val) ir kupiną naujų žinių bei darbingą dieną baigus tik 22val gardu nebūna. Taip pat mokslams susikaupti dažniausiai būna gana sunku po įtemptos darbo savaitės. Tačiau ar kažką keisčiau dabar? Tikrai ne! Esu absoliučiai patenkinta tiek savo prancūzų kalbos dėstytoja, tiek grupe, su kuria kiekvieną paskaitą prisijuokiam kone iki pilvo skaudulių, tiek savo studijų kompanijone, su kuria apie mokslus pabendrauti galime vos ne kiekvieną dieną :) Mane džiugina mūsų mergaitiški ketvirtadieniai, kuomet susitikusios laukiame kursų su pyragu ir puodeliu kavos ar arbatos. Džiugina ir žinios, kurios kuo toliau, tuo sudėtingėja, bet tuo pačiu ir darosi aiškiau suprantamos bei vis platesnės. Esu itin patenkinta pasirinkta mokykla šiems kursams - viską gana patogu susitvarkyti internetu (tolimesnio kurso užsakymas, elektroninė biblioteka, praėjusios paskaitos aprašymas ir t.t.). Taigi ko dar galima norėti? :)
I have to admit, though, that it's not only fun, laugh and glitter - it is a bit tiring, too. You can choose most suitable course time from a few options, so we went for late Thursday classes (7:35 - 9:35 pm). It is pretty tough to start the working day quite early (between 8 and 9am) and fully finish it only at around 10pm. Most of the times it is also quite hard to fully concentrate for the late class after the full working day AND full long working week. However, would I change anything now? Not! I am so so happy with my lecturer and my classmates, we all have so much fun in every class and I am so happy to study this with my friend, that I wouldn't want to change a thing! I mean it would be interesting to maybe move the classes to earlier in the week but I'm just not in the mood to changing it all, so I am happy where I am :) I am also so used to our Girly Thursdays when we meet after work and enjoy a cuppa and a cake before the class. I am so happy with the knowledge and that it becomes harder and harder, but it also becomes easier at the same time and I just find French language more and more beautiful. I am also very happy with the school itself - it is easy to arrange everything online (book a new course, find a library online, get e description of the previous class, etc.). So what else could I possibly ask for? :)
Jeigu ir Jūs, skaitantys mane iš Airijos, sukate galvą kur gi čia pasimokius tos žavingos prancūzų kalbos, tai aš nuoširdžiai Jums rekomenduoju užsukti į Alliance Française puslapį, pašmirinėti, panaršyti ir pagaliau užsiregistruoti mokslams! Mokytis visuomet smagu, įdomu ir naudinga :) Na, o aš dar savaitę pailsėsiu ir jau nuo kito ketvirtadienio kibsiu į kitą - A1.3 - prancūzų kalbos kurso modulį!
So any of you who are reading my from Ireland and are wrecking your head about which place to choose for French courses - I would highly recommend you to have a nosy at Alliance Française , check, if they have a school in your town and finally put on some bold hat and sign up for it! It is never too late to learn and it is so useful! :) And me.. I am currently having a break between A1.2 and A1.3 levels until next week and I am so looking forward to next Thursday to get back on track with it and with a whole new level!

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